Who we are…

We are a team of entertainment industry professionals and, more importantly, a group of close friends. We created our company to tackle ambitious, unique projects. To explore strange beautiful worlds and share those wonders with you. Over the years, we’ve been involved in almost every facet of the fantasy hobby world: we created role-playing games, written speculative fiction novels, designed and translated board games, and developed and produced video games. We have experience working in small and large teams. We have the passion and the will to create great art and games, and we invite you to participate in this journey with us.


Our creative director, writer and game designer. Miniature gamer and collector, the glue that binds the team together (also, coincidentally, the one writing these bios).


Our unmatched art director with extensive experience in video games, board games and classical arts. Well, that’s selling him short: he’s also a graphics designer, 3D modeler, concept artist, visual style designer, video editor and game designer. His hard work puts us all to shame.


Production director (‘producer’ just doesn’t cut it), programmer and game designer with over 10 years of experience in the video game industry. Jovial, passionate and very much into miniature board games.


And last but not least, our passionate QA team, doing their best to bring you many unmatched board game experiences!