Welcome to Kingdoms Forlorn


Of Dragons, Devils and Kings…

A truly tactical dungeon crawler. 
A truly co-operative adventure. 
A truly narrative-driven board game. 
Truly epic! 

Kingdoms Forlorn is a solo-operative dungeon delver for 1-4 players with a focus on loot, tactical battles, character building and storytelling. It’s something we’ve been working for more than 2 years now, since before our highly successful Kickstarter campaign for Aeon Trespass: Odyssey. As AT:O nears completion, we thought it high time to reintroduce Kingdoms Forlorn to the wider audience!

In the coming months, I’ll be slowly unveiling the magnificent beast that is Kingdoms Forlorn, and showcasing each and every major theme and concept, as well as highlighting the innovative mechanics we hope will reinvent the somewhat stale genre of ‘dungeon crawler board games’. And of course, along the way, I’ll give you a sneak peek at the exquisite art we’re using to illustrate it: from Monsters, Knights and Kingdoms to Gear, Maps, Saints, UI elements and the next generation of our miniatures!

Barony of Bountiful Harvest

Barony of Bountiful Harvest

What is Kingdoms Forlorn?

So, that was a lot of words. But WHAT is Kingdoms Forlorn exactly? Well, glad you asked! Kingdoms Forlorn is our next, big adventure. Like ATO, it will be another high-end, big box saga boardgame that will offer hundreds of hours of gameplay. No expense has been spared during its development: hundreds of unique illustrations, highly-detailed large scale dynamic miniatures, premium components, unparalleled attention to lore, storytelling and mechanics design with a dedicated and ever expanding testing team that ensures our games are highly playable, streamlined (for big box games!) and balanced. Our continued in-depth support post-campaign and during the years after release rounds up the package!

Ok, ok, but WHAT IS IT ABOUT?

Dragons. Devilry. Mad kings. Forgotten medieval kingdoms rediscovered, knights, noble and vile, and errant, venturing forth to seek power, treasure or redemption, and to carve their own legends in an ever evolving dark fantasy setting!

Red Kingdom

Red Kingdom

“Soloperative? Wasn’t Inverted Combat Paradigm enough of a buzzword for you guys?” I admit, I like making up new words... though I think it’s justified! While Aeon Trespass: Odyssey tells a story of a band of adventurers going on an epic journey to mend the Ancient Greek world, Kingdoms Forlorn focuses more on personal stories and shorter ‘delves’ into the titular kingdoms. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a larger narrative, quite the contrary, but it’s delivered in a more tailored, choose your pace way. The combat in the game will be handled by our heavily modified Tactical Battle systems which we’ve been perfecting for over half a decade now, focusing on epic boss fights AS WELL AS larger scale skirmishes with mob enemies and card play (though we’re still very much using dice!).

Some of our other proprietary designs, like Hard Co-op mechanics, which foster a deeper interaction between players, will make a welcome return, while others, including the main gameplay loop, will be completely new. You will explore forgotten kingdoms on procedurally generated maps with narrative goals and smart Tactical Traversal, fight battles with giant monsters or bands of minions, loot, craft, duel and, possibly, earn renown and fulfill your Heart’s Desire!

Sunken Kingdom

Sunken Kingdom

Just a few of Kingdoms Forlorn features:

  • Tactical Combat with Inverted Combat Paradigm 2.0 mechanics (Battles heat up instead of winding down, like in most dungeon crawlers!)

  • Highly modular and replayable

  • Hard Co-op forcing you to work together

  • Shared adventures, individual stakes

  • Personalized stories in an ever expanding world

  • Build your Knight from the ground up through leveling, gear crafting, loot gaining and story decisions with lasting impact


World of Kingdoms Forlorn: A Taste

We’re known for our attention to worldbuilding and weaving stories and game mechanics closely together and the world of Kingdoms Forlorn will be no different. Let me set up the scene:

Once the known world was ruled by the Grand Kingdoms. Alas its Kings failed to listen to the Good Church and follow its Commandments and when the Pope warned about the coming cataclysm and devilry, his words fell on deaf ears.

And then the curses came and with them the Deep Fog and soon the Grand Kingdoms became inaccessible, forsaken and then forgotten, a giant white spot on the world map. Years passed, the Border Duchies, no longer curtailed by their powerful neighbors, came into their own. Noble lines flourished, knight orders were established, the Church arose anew.

And then the Fog began to disperse…

Principality of Stone

Principality of Stone

That’s it for today! If you like dark medieval fantasy, Dark Souls, Diablo or Game of Thrones (excluding the last seasons of the TV show :P), this will be a game for you. We can’t wait to share more details. If you want to stay informed, about Kingdoms Forlorn, please consider liking/subscribing to our fb page!


Different Breed of Dungeon Crawler