Twelve Sins of Herakles - Dev diary 04: Carcass delves & sneak-peaks
Carcass Delves
Only good Lioneater is a dead Lioneater!
You may have seen the latest KoA video on the subject, but if you didn’t, you better sit down! The economy and Gear crafting in ATSOH work differently than in ATO. It’s no wonder, the Argonauts have access to state of the art facilities and a legion of crafters. What do the Herakleides have? Brute strength, a few friends and some hired hands…
In Twelve Sins of Herakles, you craft your Gear right after the Battle. You take all 18 of the Primordial’s BP cards (levels I, II and III!) and shuffle them into one deck. This is called a Resource Deck. Then you draw a certain amount of those Resource cards, based on the Primordial Level. The cards have resources denoted in the upper right corner. Then you simply take all those resources, along the ones you saved from previous Battles, and you craft what you want.
The Moirai are fickle mistresses though, and rarely deal the Resources you need the most. You know how drawing cards can be… Later in the game you may influence the draw with Critical Wounds, Carving Weapons and more, however it may still not be enough. Thankfully, you are not at the mercy of the Fates, you forge your own luck.
You go on Carcass Delves! After gaining Resources but before Crafting, you have the option to go on a Carcass Delve. The Carcass Delve is a mechanic that lets you gamble something – in the case of the Nemean Lioneater, one of your Resource cards, for a chance to gain something, like a Resource Redraw, a bonus Resource card, a specific resource, a Primordial Core – and more!
To perform a Carcass Delve, place one of the Resource cards you've just drawn before you and roll the number of Power Dice denoted on the Carcass Delve Track on the Primordial Sheet. If you roll Power equal to or higher than the value in the Gate space of the level 1 reward, you may gain the bonus shown to the right of it or continue delving. If you continue, you will roll again, this time trying to match or beat the Power from the level 2 Gate. If you succeed, you will get all the bonuses from the current and all prior levels. You may continue to delve as long as there are higher levels to that particular Carcass Delve, however, as soon as you fail to roll enough Power (roll lower than the current Power Gate), you will lose all bonuses you gained up to this point, as well as the Resource card, and suffer the Loss Effect shown at the top of the Carcass Delve Track (in case of the Lioneater, a random Titan will gain +3 Danger).
If you decide to stop delving after a successful roll, you immediately resolve all bonuses from the current and prior Delve Levels. In the case of the Lioneater, the first 2 levels allow you to redraw a single BP card (first return a card to the Resource Deck, then draw a new one). The third level awards you with an additional resource (Beady Eye), while the forth one grants you a Lioneater Core!
Note: In the full game, Primordial Cores will allow you to gain new Titanforms (in case of the Nemean Lioneater, the Beastmaster), craft or enhance powerful unique Gear and more!
WIP Crafting and Delve Sheet
Sneak Peaks
You’re not ready for these Primordials, I will tell you that 😉
And some painted minis!